GEEE i love my weekends off.
i was out in my craft barn all day, working on stuff for SJ's wedding and making some signs for VBS. i found some big cardboard which worked out perfect because it kind of looks wood-ish! i made one small one (pictured) and one huge one. fun times.
plus it was just a beautiful, sunny, springy day. seriously. i never wanted it to end.
- being able to go barefoot! my tender, white, winter feet were craving the cold green grass.
-unlimited mint tea in the fridge
-i love everyone's projects-spring is so inspiring! mom was gardening, dad was working with the cattle, trev was welding, i was crafting. it was productive and satisfying.
-the air is so sweet and warm
-i wore nasty paint-clothes all day and didnt have to put on makeup or shower or anything. i love saturdays when i can look nasty and be okay with it. haha.
Soo ideal! Can I come wear nasty clothes and craft with you? =)