Wednesday, December 10, 2008

christmas tea!

SO laura's mom is a part of a women's group at church, and they have a 'christmas tea" every year. everyone volunteers to take a table and decorate it, and this year she is letting laura, me, chloe, and kayci be in charge of her table! which is so fun, but kinda tricky on a college-student's budget! but as you can see here, we got all of our stuff from "dollar tree" in newton! score!! the see-through plates are susan's, but we did everything else for like, 15 dollars! it was so fun!

we also got to attend the christmas tea, but we sat at someone else's was so fun to see the different decor!

Monday, December 8, 2008

christmas card time!

its christmas card time, yahoo!
i had a coulple of friends over yesterday to have a christmas-card-making party in my room! i looove crafting with other people because i loooove to see what everyone else comes up with! its also fun to be able to share supplies like stamps and inkpads. kayci's mom sent out her embosser tool and powder and we had a fun time trying that out!

i think those last two pictures are some of laura's cards...arent they fabulous?! i love christmas tree one!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

creepy baby lamp

SO PLEASE look at this piece of fabulous-ness i found for the RA gift-exhange! we had to find a gift under 3$ for the person who's name we drew. i drew travis petershiem--haha i have no idea what he would like, but who wouldnt like this piece of beauty!! i went to all the thrift shops and flea markets in newton and finally found this, calling my name.

i hope travis doesn't judge me for this. haha.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

color theory

color theory class--lois had us think of a "theme" and decorate these window-things in friesen center. my theme was "optimism" kinda dissapointed at how like, highschooly-immature it looks, but i guess its fun and optimistic?
i took some pictures of some of the other's windows as well...check our kayci's fabulous "essence of spring" one!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

kate's first scarf!

here it is, folks!
the orange scarf i have relentlessly been knitting on since the beginning of school! i am SO SICK of it! but i wanted to get it done before halloween so i could wear it with a black shirt, and then BAM! i finished it last night! it took SO LONG, i am such a bad knitter! and now that i am able to wear it, im annoyed at it. it keeps leaving orange fuzzies everywhere i go! maybe i made a bad yarn choice, i dont know? but anyways. as annoying as its fuzzies are, i am pretty darn proud of this dang scarf!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

mod signage!

as a direct result of cleaning up TOO many ramen noodles in the sink and hair-dye spilled on the kitchen floor and bags of trash smelling up the hallways, i had no choice but to make some sassy-signs letting the girls know whats UP!! haha. i tried to be as nice as possible about it, but come on!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

nametags for 2ec

i have spent all summer thinking of things to make for my mod's doors, and i finally settled on something i think will be fun! i bought some ceiling tiles from the local hardware store, had dad cut them evenly, painted and decorated them, and made little bulliten-boards/name tags! the name strips across the top are actually made out of paint-stir sticks that i grabbed for free at the paint store!

it was so satisfying to have them all finished and up on the the doors! now i just have to wait for my girls to get here!!